Don't be surprised if these socks put an extra spring in your step. Part jackrabbit, part antelope, the jackalope is a cross between two of the fastest and hoppy-est animals in existence, so that might rub off on you. Don't take it too far, though — it's not entirely known what jackalopes get up to in their spare time, but they're most commonly seen as taxidermy, and we don't want that to happen to you. You won't be able to buy any more of our socks.
This item is included in these packs:
Jackalope Crew Socks
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⚠️ Units available now: 5
Crew Sock Features

No Annoying Toe Seam
We have many customers with sensory issues who report the seam is very toe friendly and comfortable.
(This photo is inside out.)

Comfort and Durability
Double terry padding in heel and toe along with a 85% Combed Cotton, 13% Nylon, 2% Spandex blend for softness, stretch, and durability along with padded heel for a comfortable fit.
(This photo is inside out.)

One Size Fits Most
Unisex - OSFM US Adult Size 6 - 13
May be snug on wide calves > 15" circumference

Design Prowess
Each sock is sewn in 200N density (the highest level of detail possible for novelty socks), and designed by independent artists. Each sock features a different left and right so that the featured design is always on the outside ankle.